
Forum Fiend APK

Forum Fiend is the best way to stay in touch with your online discussion forums while on the go! Built on the versatile Tapatalk API, Forum Fiend is a great free Tapatalk alternative forum reader that was designed to put users ahead of profits. Features include:

Fully functional Tapatalk API implementation: Forum Fiend now contains the majority of the core features found in the Tapatalk API, and with frequent updates, 100% feature parity with the official Tapatalk app is expected in the near future.

Free unlimited image hosting: Everybody loves posting pictures on their forums, so Ape Apps provides Forum Fiend with free unlimited image hosting on our servers. Best of all, we don't ruin your uploaded pictures with ugly watermarks!

Forum theme customization: Forum Fiend allows users to customize the theme color of the app on a per-forum basis. Give each forum you subscribe to its own look and feel! Forum owners can also provide default theme settings for their forums by saving a small .json file to their forum server. See http://ift.tt/1uva2G7 for more information.

Forum chat: Forum Fiend also allows forum owners to turn designated topics on their system into a pseudo chat room, increasing user engagement and activity for their communities. Users can set any topic they choose as a chat thread by long pressing on the topic in the app. Forum owners can also set this up automatically by saving a small .json file to their forum server. See http://ift.tt/1uva2G7 for more information.

Feature complete experience for all users: Out of the box, Forum Fiend is feature complete. There is an option to remove advertising for a very small annual fee, but doing so does not unlock any additional features. We will never sell you a fully featured app, only to downgrade it in the future and replace it with another paid version. We are not scum like that.

Full tablet support out of the box: We are not going to jerk you around with separate phone and "HD" versions of our app. Forum Fiend works with all devices out of the box.

Clean interface: Forum Fiend features a straight forward navigation structure that actually makes sense for a forum. The focus is on the forum content, not making you hunt and peck around a confusing menu structure.

So when you are ready to just enjoy your forums instead of fighting with an app that takes away features and tries to lock you in with yet another unneeded account, give Forum Fiend a try. It should work with all forums that are compatible with Tapatalk. If not, send us an e-mail and we will get it fixes ASAP. We have really fast turn around times on bug fixes and feature updates, and are always updating the app bases on user feedback. It's a free app, what do you have to lose? Try Forum Fiend today!


Download Forum Fiend APK apk

from Android Apk http://ift.tt/1P4MS8Q